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Naming & Positioning.

In the dynamic realm of UK tourism, an app was brewing that promised a transformative experience for explorers. While the app was armed with a plethora of offerings, it needed a name that echoed its rich tapestry of features and the adventures it offered. Enter our team, tasked with this crucial naming mission.

"After working with this lot on naming and positioning, I imagine Namewerk to be the perfect partners for just about anything branding related. There's not much more I can say then that!"

Samuel Robson


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The Objective:

We were tasked with developing a name that seamlessly integrated with the app’s diverse offerings and navigate the intricate maze of trademark limitations to ensure that each and every concept was available within the within the stringent ™ limitations of NICE classes 9, 35, 39, 41 & 43.

Our Approach: Go-Go-Gadget.

To tackle a project like this, our game plan was divided into five methodical stages:

1. Research & Discovery

We began by immersing ourselves in the UK's tourism landscape. We interacted with potential users, understanding what they seek in a local guide app. We deconstructed the app's features, especially spotlighting its free access, exclusive discounts, and curated local experiences.

2. Brand Positioning

Here, we carved out the brand’s persona. What makes this app stand apart from the rest? It wasn’t just an app; it was a seasoned local waiting to show you the hidden treasures of the local community.

3. Ideation & Concept Development

With our newfound insights, we initiated our brainstorming saga. We played with words, toyed with alliteration, and envisaged names that painted a vivid picture of a traveller’s journey. Each name generated had to encapsulate the sense of discovery and adventure the app promised.

4. Evaluation & Screening

Our brainstorming produced a sea of potential names. This phase was about distilling them to the essence. We screened each concept for linguistic checks and critiqued each option, weighing it against the app's ethos and evaluating its potential resonance with the intended audience.

5. Legal Gymnastics

With a shortlist in hand, we then donned our legal hats. We combed through trademark databases, ensuring that our chosen names weren't just catchy but also stood on solid legal ground.

The Result

From this intense journey of creativity and precision emerged the perfect name – "Go Guide." A perfect synthesis of all the app promised with an instantly snappy and memorable stature. The client was elated, and with this new moniker, Go Guide was ready to chart its course in the world of travel apps.